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From the Manage Categories section you can manage your categories.

You could add new category by clicking the Add New button.

After clicking the Add New you will see several tabs. 

From the Category tab you could manage your category primary settings:

  1. Name - This is your category name. It will be used to mark your category everywhere in the public area.
  2. Parent Category - From this setting you could select a parent category for your current category. If you don't want your category to have a parent, select the None option. A category could have only one parent. 
  3. Display Order - This setting is used for sorting in the navigation.
  4. Published - This setting allows you to select whether or not your category is visible and accessible in the public area.

From the SEO tab you could manage your category SEO settings.

Seo tab

From the Articles tab you could select articles which you want to put in the current category. Just click the Add Existing Article and select the articles.

If you want to edit an existing category click the title of the corresponding category in the Tree View. This will open a popup from which you could edit your category.

Tree view edit category

You could insert a category in another category by clicking the Insert Category button which you will see in the Tree View node for the corresponding parent category in which you want to insert the new category.

From the same node you could also insert articles for this category and to view all the articles that are already in the category, by clicking the corresponding buttons.

At left of the tree view node of every category you will see a little arrow. If you click it the tree view will expand and you will see all the children (if has any) categories for the category whose arrow you clicked.